by Laura | poetry, Self Reflection + Faith
In this quiet space, Where my carnival thoughts lie still unpowered, I look to my side, and see you beside me. The look in your eyes, encouraging, we’re thinking the same thing— This is what’s left when the lights fade and the swirling stops. You here, me here,...
by Laura | poetry, Self Reflection + Faith
Pull me in close Pull me in deep Pull me in so relentlessly that I cannot turn or pause or flounder Pull me down so I sink Pull me up so I float Pull me in towards you and envelope me completely To pull requires a force To pull requires an object Remind me of which I...
by Laura | poetry, Self Reflection + Faith
This is, My Heart Hear me God, when I whisper your name without conviction Even though I am a weakling and unwilling to risk myself Are you, Great and Powerful Creator God, really such a fan of me? Righteousness alone should keep me far from you. I am not worth what...
by Laura | Loss + Grief, Motherhood + Family
Every bump and kick hits my heart. Losing cousin Kohen earlier this month amped up EVERYTHING for mama, especially when it comes to you, baby. Do you realize how lucky we are? It’s impossible to make that statement without the little voice in the back of my head going...